Have you ever wanted to learn how to boost your energy without the crash, support your adrenals and all your other key organs and systems, as well as help boosting your immunity while drinking and enjoying your coffee?
In this blog post I will tell you how.

This is the idea of adding in adaptogens, herbs, and mushrooms to your coffee. Herbs, mushrooms, what? This guy with long hair, he’s crazy. No, it’s all good. These are not the herbs or the mushrooms that will make you hallucinate.
What I’m talkin’ about are medicinal mushrooms, things like reishi mushroom, chaga mushroom, cordyceps, there’s a whole bunch that are now at the forefront of scientific research studying how people, cultures throughout the world have used medicinal mushrooms to help boost their immune system, support key vital organs, body processes, as well as, I mentioned that word adaptogens. This is a special class of herb which helps your body literally adapt.

Breakin’ that down further, some herbs have what’s called one directional activity. Let’s say you’ve got low blood pressure. A one directional herb, a medicinal herb, would help increase your blood pressure, ’cause that is what is required. You’re working with a qualified medical practitioner or herbalist, whatever it is, they’ve identified that’s an issue that you have that you can use a herb to move it that direction. Other herbs might help bring it down. So depending on what you need, different herbs are used for different purposes for different systems.
An adaptogen is what we call dual directional, so it can help bring a system down or bring it up. Like your immune system. Some people actually have very low immune systems. We need to boost it up. We need to ramp it up and get it more effective, especially during cold and flu season. There are a lot of herbs out there that can help you do that. What happens if you have overactive immune system?

You don’t want to stimulate it even more. These adaptogens, these dual directional herbs, in this case, would help bring it down. So there’s chemicals, there’s intelligence in there for both to happen depending on your need, and that’s one of the key things about adaptogens is they can help your body adapt specifically to stress.
You and I, we’ve got busy, stressful days. I mean, living in this modern world, we’re always getting that, and that’s one of the reasons why we reach for coffee, isn’t it?
We’re getting tired. We need that little bit of a pick-me-up. However, if you can add medicinal mushrooms and or adaptogens to your daily coffee, here you’re gonna get that support.

I’m really inspired about herbal medicine. Not because I’m a herbalist. I don’t consult with people, I don’t give diagnoses, that’s not the role, that’s not the game here. It’s about bringing herbs back into our life because they’ve always been a part of our life as humans. It’s the folk medicine, the people’s medicine. We are seeing, through science, through research, is all these benefits.
Science is just coming to the forefront of being able to discover what are these herbs and how do they affect us, how do they benefit us? Turmeric is a great example. Hey, let’s even call it out. Coffee is a herb, right? A herb would be defined as a plant that has a physiological effect. Coffee absolutely. And one of the actual great things about coffee is it can be used as a wonderful delivery system for herbs. So let’s combine those two together.

Let’s get you those benefits to get you through your day, but in a better, more optimal way, without that crash. Why not give yourself that deeper benefit in your daily coffee? Because, hey, I know, coffee drinkers, it’s the one thing that you’re gonna do.
There’s a saying in herbalism that it’s all about compliance. If you don’t take the herbs, they don’t work. But by taking them, getting them in in the right amount, the right dose, and frequently, that’s how you get the benefits. And I can tell ya, a lot of people will struggle to, ah, did I take my turmeric today?
Did I take my X, Y, Z, whatever it is? But I bet you, I almost, I’m willing to guarantee you have a cup of coffee every morning if you love coffee. Maybe it’s every afternoon. That one gets in, doesn’t it?

So how about if you set up a routine, a pattern, a habit, where have your coffee, enjoy it, but what else can you add that will give you deeper support to your organs and all your body systems so you could really function optimally?
All right, this is a very short intro into this new way of up grading your morning beverage. This is not a course on herbalism. This is not a course on medicinal mushrooms where I will go through every single one and tell you all their benefits and all their properties. I’m introducing broadly this idea, these concepts, and we’re gonna touch on things.
Ginseng, you might have heard of that term

That’s another example of a herb, an adaptogen, amazing benefits, amazing properties. You’ve probably likely heard of ginseng.
One example. Eleuthero, this is known as Siberian ginseng. Totally different herb. Totally different plant. But again, one of these ones that has been known throughout cultures, throughout time, to have these adaptogen-like properties. Help the body adapt to stress. That can be a really good choice.
Reishi mushroom. It is said that it is one of the most well-studied herbs on earth that has a multitude of benefits. This is one of the other key attributes of what would be called an adaptogen or a tonic herb is that it doesn’t just work on one organ or one system or one problem is it will offer you a multitude of benefits.
Good for the heart.
Good for the liver.
Good for the kidneys.
Good for cardiovascular system, blood sugar, you know, it goes on and on and on. And again, it’s in a nonspecific way, whatever your body needs, it can help provide that. That’s the kinda the overarching premise I want to bring to you, bring herbs into your life, do your research. I know you’re already beginning to explore this, expand this. Coffee can be one of those amazing delivery systems. So, how are you gonna do that?

If you’re working with the raw herb or the raw mushroom in the case of reishi or in the case of eleuthero, you’re gonna need to go what’s called decocotion. Basically, make a tea from it first. In my Elixir Life book and video course I go through all the details of what is a steep, what is a decoction, how you do it.
Many herbs like the roots and the barks and the mushrooms that we’re talking about today you would do a decoction. That is bringing your water to a boil, extracting all the good medicine and property, then you’re now able to work with it and make it into your coffee. So you can create a herbal tea that then you make your coffee with. Whether that’s a Bodum, whether it’s a french press, whether it’s, you know, a percolator, hell, even a drip coffee, right?
You have your coffee that you love that you’re working with, when you’re adding your water, you add your herbal tea. That’s what you do. That is one of the ways, one of the methods, that’s so simple, so easy. Change nothing about what else you’re doing. Your morning routine, you’re making your coffee, when you’re reachin’ for water, you now replace it with a herbal tea, be it a medicinal mushroom or your choice of adaptogens.
Brew your coffee up exactly as you would. Enjoy your coffee exactly as you would. You’re getting all those same wonderful taste and joyful benefits that you get from coffee, but now you have that undertone of the herbal and medicinal benefits that’s gonna support you in a deeper way.
So that’s method number one.

Method number two is that a lot of these herbs already come in what’s called an extracted form. It could be in the form of a powder.
So these types of herbs, they’re tough, they’re woody, you can’t actually eat them, they need to be extracted out. So a hot water extraction pulls out all the properties, medicinal properties, that you can have in a tea form.
But what’s even easier and more convenient for some is when that they’re in a powdered form. And it’s not that those roots have just been dried and powdered, no, they’ve been first extracted so that when you consume the powder it has that, what we call that bioavailable effect.
You immediately can absorb and utilize the properties. There can be a hot water extraction. How this one, in particular, and there’s many different brands out there, so it’s been hot water extracted, they’ve made a tea, and then they dehydrate it back down. This is what you’ll very often find in capsules that you find in a supplement store, health food store, you see all of those rows of herbal pills and capsules, it’s that in a capsule form.
What I would suggest is get into the bulk. As you get into this lifestyle, as you start feeling the benefits, it’s far more cost effective to go for in a powdered form that’s loose. Might be a little jar or a larger bag. That’s a fantastic way to then, you’ve got your coffee brewed up, you can still use the water or the tea method, but then, when you pour yourself a cup of coffee, now you’re adding in a little bit of herbal extract powder, mushroom extract powder. That’s another way to easily get that in.

Other option here would be what we call a liquid extract. Instead of it being in a powdered form, it’s now in a liquid extract form. I mentioned ginseng. So here’s a ginseng extract of, this one happens to be about 10 different ginseng roots into an alcohol, typically it’s alcohol, sometimes it’s glycerin, extracts all the benefits and properties. Think of vanilla extract.
Vanilla is a form of a herbal extract. Vanilla’s a herb, it’s a food, of course, as well, but same principle applies. We put it into the liquid medium, extracts out all its flavor, all its benefits, all its properties, and as you would, like you were just adding vanilla to your coffee, you would add ginseng, you would do reishi, whatever it is that then instantly, into your beverage, and then into you. You’re getting the benefits.
You can look at single herbs, single mushrooms. You can also explore different blends.

Other option here would be what we call a liquid extract. Instead of it being in a powdered form, it’s now in a liquid extract form. I mentioned ginseng. So here’s a ginseng extract of, this one happens to be about 10 different ginseng roots into an alcohol, typically it’s alcohol, sometimes it’s glycerin, extracts all the benefits and properties. Think of vanilla extract.
Vanilla is a form of a herbal extract. Vanilla’s a herb, it’s a food, of course, as well, but same principle applies. We put it into the liquid medium, extracts out all its flavor, all its benefits, all its properties, and as you would, like you were just adding vanilla to your coffee, you would add ginseng, you would do reishi, whatever it is that then instantly, into your beverage, and then into you. You’re getting the benefits.
You can look at single herbs, single mushrooms. You can also explore different blends.

Here’s one, liver elixir. So if you’re looking to support your liver. If you’re looking to support your adrenals. Whatever it is, you can find tea blends or tincture blends that are specific to that. Liver elixir has milk thistle, dandelion, burdock, artichoke, Oregan grape, black radish, and maitake mushroom.
That’s, if I wanna get all those benefits, just squirt it into my coffee, now my coffee’s becoming that perfect delivery system for me to not only enjoy my coffee, but now you’re gonna be deeply supporting yourself, your immune system.
You’re gonna be supporting those adrenals.
You’re gonna get that energy.
You’re gonna get that stamina.
A lot of these herbs, they can give you energy, just like coffee does, but it’s without the crash, it’s that long-term sustained energy. If you’re new to this, I can understand how you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. The world of medicinal mushrooms, the world of herbs, it’s deep, it’s ancient, and it’s vast. There is so much out there. Don’t be overwhelmed. Consider this as a way to kinda get in easily.

Start your journey. Begin to pick up a book, read an article. I’ve put together this book called Elixir Life. We’re gonna continue exploring this concept of what an elixir is over the coming videos that you’re gonna receive through this series.
I really want to break it down simply and easily. I know some people watching are absolutely brand new, and then, others have a little bit more experience, want to bring this all together in an easy-to-use form.
If you are likin’ the idea of this and you want to go deeper right away, you can check out the Elixir Life book. It can be in e-book form or print. And I begin to break down, what are the different herbs, how do I begin to understand them, begin to utilize them, and of course, coffee is just one simple, easy medium to do that, but it goes far, far deeper beyond that.
In the next video, we’re gonna be talking about the one key ingredient you want to add to your coffee to give you that long-term sustained energy, more nourishment, more energy, that can even help balance hormones and give you that nice, glowing skin, even lose weight.
I mean, so many benefits to this. I think you’re gonna be really excited to tune in.
Check video number two out HERE and we’ll see ya on that one.