This is a very important question which I get often: Should I consume fermented foods during a cleanse?

I explain this in depth in the video and it is important to understand the answer so you can be more effective in your approach when cleansing whether it is a general detox, candida cleanse or other approach.

I personally believe some fermented foods are an essential part of a cleanse and some ferments should be avoided, let me explain.

The ones to be avoided are those which are fermented from a base of sugar – this can include items like kombucha, water kefir or other probiotic ‘sodas’. The main reason for this is that they still contain sugar and sugar is very often of the key foods you are likely eliminating or reducing during a cleanse. And definitely these fermented beverages though delicious and can be part of a regular healthy diet, during a cleanse should be avoided because they still contain some sugar.

Any ferments containing alcohol, like beer, wine and mead should also be eliminated during a cleanse.

Sourdough bread especially if wheat or relatives of, could also be good to eliminate during a cleanse.

Fermented Dairy including any kind of cheese, yogurt and sour cream. The one exception you could consider including is milk kefir, but I leave that up to you, it may be best to eliminate all dairy during your cleanse.

So what about the fermented foods you should include during a cleanse?

I personally think that adding in fermented foods and liquids that are rich in living probiotics that have been “lacto-fermented” meaning from Lactobacillus organisms can be consumed and in fact will be helpful in the cleansing process and add to your microbiome.

My top suggestions of fermented foods to include during a cleanse are:

Miso – make sure it is a live-culture (unpastuerized) miso

Sauerkraut, lacto-fermented pickles & probiotic brines – live culture (unpastuerized)

Apple Cider Vinegar – live culture (unpastuerized)

These foods, though most are acidic, are said to alkalize the body, help cleanse and will help enhance your health by adding enzymes & probiotics to your microbiome.

You can also consider including Tempeh, Coconut yogurt and kefir, Umeboshi plum as well as Natto.

Though cleanses and diets are tough in the short-term, remember it is only meant to be for a short time to help your body come back into balance. All your favourite ferments will be ready waiting for you when you are back to a regular diet.

Happy cleansing!